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Title: "The End of Time: Why Are We So Blind?"
Guest Speaker: Michael Tuazon, Director of Souls West
Date of Message: January 16, 2016
(Divine Worship Message)
(Divine Worship Message)
Scripture References: Joel 2:28, Daniel 2, Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:4-10, Revelation 14:8, Matthew 24, Amos 3:7, Revelation 22
Topics: Souls, West, Class, Revelation, End, Times, Chronology, Last, Days, Events, Goal, Teach, Material, Latter, Rain, Close, Probation, Equip, Basics, Inspired, Word, God, Spirit, Prophecy, Pour, Understanding, Bible, Deeper, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Divided, Statue, 2300, Days, Sanctuary, Cleansed, 457 BC, 1844, Most, Holy, Place, Investigative, Judgment, Wars, Rumors, Famines, Disease, Earthquakes, False, Prophets, Iniquity, Gospel, Preach, Sodom, Gomorrah, Twin, Institutions, Marriage, Sabbath, Satan, Gay, Sunday, Worship, Attack, Ellen White, Great, Controversy, Preparation, Trouble, Clearly, Presented, Multitudes, Truths, Revealed, Spiritual, Stupor, Wise, Salvation, Temptation, Unready, Desires, Sinful, Heart, Deceptions, Transformation, Informs, Reforms, Transforms, Apply, Read, Chart, Chronology, 1798, Time of The End, Quotes, Destruction, Wicked, Napoleon, France, General, Pope, Captive, Atheism, World, Power, Egyptians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Romans, Agnosticism, Papacy, Wounded, Unsealed, Knowledge, Scriptures, Increased, Dark Ages, Wicked, Wise, Eschatology, Remnant, Church, Three, Angels, Message, 1840, Fear, Glory, Hour, Worship, Advent, Movement, Reformation, Fallen, Summer, October 22, Midnight, Loud, Cry, Bridegroom, Autumn, Coming, Mercy, Plead, Beast, Mark, Cup, Indignation, Warning, Tsunami, Hellfire, Devil, Timeline, 1929, Mussolini, Shaking, Self-Sustaining, Famine, Counterfeit, Final, Crisis, Islam, Muslims, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, ISIS, San Bernardino, California, Submission, Peaceful, Radical, Branch Davidians, Sentiment, Sunday Law, Jesus, Second, Deceived, Israel, Prominent, Armageddon, Evangelical, Protestant, Christians, Jews, Pope, Francis, Miracles, Impersonates, Resurrect, State, Dead, Seven, Plagues, Jacob, Relationship
Eschatology and The End Times.ppt (MS PowerPoint)
Last Day Events Chart.pdf (Adobe PDF)
The Crisis Ahead: A Compilation From The Writings of Ellen G. White.pdf by Robert Olson (Adobe PDF)
The Shaking.ppt (MS PowerPoint)
The Shaking.doc (MS Word)
Ellen G. White Quotes Matching Chart.doc (MS Word)