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Title: "SOULS West and iShare Conference"
Guest Speaker: Michael Tuazon, Director of Souls West
Date: January 16, 2016
(Sabbath School Special Feature)
(Sabbath School Special Feature)
Audio: Parts Amplified
Video: SOULS West Intro
Video: SOULS West Promo
Video: iShare Conference 2016 Promo
Topics: Evangelism, School, Pacific Union, Conference, Bible, College, North American Division, NAD, Board Members, Presidents, Train, Young, People, Future, Leaders, Church, 2, Two, Year, Experience, Goal, Educate, Eternity, Gifted, Faculty, Staff, Study, Graduate, Student, Government, Unique, Plan, School Year, Social Events, Speakers, Door-to-Door, Distribute, Literature, Pay, Tuition, Bill, Debt-Free, Evangelistic, Canvassing, Work, Ellen White, Better, Prepare, Ministerial, Labor, Spend, Believe, Time, Short, Gospel, Nation, Tongue, Adventist, Seminaries, Pastor, Nurses, Teachers, Business Men, Knock, 10000, Ten, Thousand, Doors, Worker, Coordinate, Preach, Campus, Prescott, Arizona, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Snow, Speech, Sermons, Choir, Classes, Book, Daniel, Christian, Marriage, Family, Philosophy, Education, Defense, 28, Fundamental, Beliefs, Righteousness, Faith, Salvation, End, Time, Events, Revelation, Sanctuary, Message, Defend, 1844, Health, Healing, Apologetics, House-to-House, Labor, Lost, Sheep, Essential, Practicum, Lifestyle, Coach, Serve, Baptized,, ishare, 2016, Visalia, Convention, Center, August, 11, 12, 13, Seek, Help, Advance, Revival
Resources: (Website) (Website)